The Importance of Honoring a Bail Bond

Bail bonds and the prohibition against being held without excessive bail is one our Fundamental Constitutional Rights, and something we need to take seriously. There are many different aspects to bail, today we will take you through the consequences of “failing to appear”, “FTA”, “breaking a bond” or missing a court date.
There are two primary reasons for honoring a bail bond. It is important for both the co-signer (or Indemnitor) and the defendant to make sure to follow through on any restrictions, requirements, prerequisites, and obligations of signing a bail bond. By following these “rules,” per se, you can be assured that there will be no unexpected or unnecessary financial or criminal consequences (for the accused) of bailing someone out of jail.

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What Does a Guarantor Need to Know About Bail Bonds?


Bail bonds exist for one reason: To get people out of jail. The bail amount is set rather high for multiple reasons, though, which can put a lot of financial pressure on the person bailing someone out (the guarantor). As a guarantor, you will have certain responsibilities to make sure the accused does not miss the court date which, in most cases, will cause your collateral to be surrendered.

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5 Reasons to Call Bail Hotline Bail Bonds


Based in California, Bail Hotline is a long-standing bail bond agency that has helped thousands of people bail friends and family members out of jail. We will explore some of the ins and outs of the company and, at the same time, give you an overview of bail bonds, how to find a bond agency, and different ways you can expedite the bail bond process.

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6 Essential Questions to Ask Your Bail Agent

If a friend or family member is arrested, the first thing you might ask is this: How do I bail them out? On this page, we will talk about answering this question and asking other ones to ensure you bail out your friend as quickly and seamlessly (and affordably) as possible. By the end, you will know six essential questions to ask your bail agent.

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